༺ Thesium ༻


  • Hughie: 2023

There have been loads of times that I’ve tried to get the ideas in this story over to people. With so many failures behind me, I thought to set them out in a longer version. More and more themes wanted to squeeze themselves in there. I had to be firm and say ’no’ to a bunch of ’em.

‘Thesium’ - latin ‘of Thesius’.

The central symbol of the ship of Thesius could easily have been “grandfather’s axe” or “Trigger’s broom” from Only Fools and Horses. It begs the question ‘what is a thing?’

The brilliant images are by Damian, my eldest brother. More of his stuff can be found on DeviantArt.

Special thanks to the Pillow Writers group for help and support in the forming of this work. Emma, Stoo and Dawn in particular have been heroic!

The ‘Abystery’ is a version of Avalokitsvara / Chenrezig.


Books referred to:

  • Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig.
  • Be Here Now - Ram Dass
  • The Heart Sutra
  • The Holy Bible

Some relevant poems:

An essay on the theme:

With heartfelt thanks to my late teacher, John Crook.

John Crook & Hughie