neovim set up
2021 Nov 06
The ideas below have all been superceded! Here they are included anyway, but you’d be better off having a look at github.
If you are a linux person and like vi/vim/neovim, here are some useful tricks.
Split up the config file
In neovim’s config file:
link to your own file:
so /[your path]/init.vim
in that file source a series of files eg:
source $HOME/dotfiles/neovim/10.main.vimrc
source $HOME/dotfiles/neovim/20.plugins.vimrc
source $HOME/dotfiles/neovim/30.keyMappings.vimrc
Working on shorter files is a bit easier I find.
These files can be stored in git. Setting up on a new machine is then a matter of having your ssh private key so that you can link to a git repo on github or bitbucket or wherever.
Here’s mine on bitbucket.
Other config files can be stored in a similar way.
In .bashrc or .bash_aliases you can alias vi to nvim:
alias vi='nvim'
So that we have the neovim loveliness on typing good old ‘vi’.
I use vundle and keep a comment on how to set it up in the plugins.vimrc file:
"git clone ~/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim
set rtp+=~/.config/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim/
The plugins that I’m into are nerdtree, NeoSolarized (dark) and fugitive. Amazing work there, so useful!
Once everything is sweet you can make a root login use the same config. It’s awkward to jump back to defaults after getting used to the grace and splendour of your plugins.
Source your own config files as above from
Make a symlink to your dotfiles directory in /root and Bob’s yur uncle.