༺ Finger Writing ༻


Finger Writing cover


What I love about “Finger Writing” is Hugh’s humility, delight, compassion and insight into life’s heartfelt yet comedic moments – his focus on glimmer.

I love how his words paint a loving brush-stroke sketch of the trials and tribulations of daily life, to which we can all relate.

In studying “Finger Writing” in preparation for writing this foreword, I have noticed a delightful “Hughishness” shift in how I see the world; and my willingness to highlight and expand on such glimmer moments, and to think of the words I would use to portray them.

I recently took some training in how to calm the central nervous system, as a tool for health, clarity, and measured response. I was invited to roam around outside looking for glimmer: be it something beautiful, funny, or sad….something that lights you up inside; then to describe it to a another person. Apparently this practice of focus on glimmer, to seek it out, pay it attention, and to invite expansion of the sensory feelings it engenders; this gradually retrains the brain to a greater awareness of glimmer, thus inviting more magic and delight into daily life. Much in the same way that meditation does, this practice seems to act as a soothing, healing balm for the central nervous system, which in these modern times can so often be over-stimulated and stuck in a jangly, frazzled mode.

Ah Hugh, what a journey your life has been so far: Computer geek, Buddhist monk, carer, phenomenal juggler and magician, ace guitarist, circus performer, kite flyer, mindfulness teacher, poet, survivor.

Hugh has that rare ability to turn his hand to anything and be outstanding at it. Let us never forget that Hugh’s song (to me, all of his poems are different verses of his life’s song) pivots around one traumatic event when he fell from a great height whilst rehearsing in the circus. He actually died for a period of time, and was surprised to wake up back on planet earth with life-changing injuries. Post injury life style allows plenty of time for reflection on glimmer, past and present.

What if we ARE put on this earth primarily to play? To revel in glimmer? To love and laugh?

Thanks for the Poems Hugh, King of the Glimmer.

Kate Verney
Body Harmony teacher
Retired Circus clown and wirewalker
kate verney mindful bodywork
September 2024

“bed, lappy, mirror & me”


The title poem Finger Writing comes from the symbol of water vapour condensing into droplets when it meets a plate of cold glass which is quite a bit like the process of writing. Amorphous ideas, emotions, sentiments, ‘condense’ into ink marks on the surface of the page or screen. In addition, when you write on a steamed up window pane with your finger you are usually pointing, quite literally, at your own reflection. How pleasing for an image to speak so eloquently! We see ourselves reflected in our attempts at self-expression. Half seen, half remembered fragments swimming about in the unconscious come up and make themselves known.

There are the usual anecdotes, some jokes, philosophising and musing, but all the pieces are ‘waited for’ rather than forced. I’ve been trying to avoid deliberately poetic devices in the main, they are added here and there admittedly, but overall I’ve waited and listened to the unconscious as far as I’m able and eventually something comes up.

September 2024

  • £5 by hand
  • £8 by post payment by paypal

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