2023 Nov 22
I got curious about the differences between programming languages and decided to have a play.
For a long time I’ve kept a little file of birthdays I want to remember. It’s formatted like this:
1948-01-01 Goober
1951-10-19 Spong
1952-06-30 Nyim
The dates are in ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ style.
How about I write a script to show the next birthday coming along? It means that the dates are not sorted chronologically in the usual way. You’d have to list them by month, then day and only then by year.
The next thing is that it shouldn’t be a static list because it should change depending on when it is viewed. The ’next birthday’ depends on when in the year the list is looked at.
If ’now’ is currently 2030-02-01 say (ie. in February), then the list should be:
1952-06-30 Nyim
1951-10-19 Spong
1948-01-01 Goober
Next I added folks’ ages and ‘deathdays’. Some folks in my list had died so their age would have to be calculated differently to those still happily alive. I also added their ’next birthday’ to make it clearer.
With a header my ‘birthdayrem’ (birthday reminder) script output eg:
> birthdayrem
yyyy-mm-dd NAME AGE-NOW NEXT
1948-01-01 Goober 75 76
1952-06-30 Nyim 67 -
1951-10-19 Spong 72 73
Multiple languages
After scripting all this in bash I went on to code it in awk, lua, php, python, node & c - github.