༺ Finger Writing ༻

Noel Reilly

·𐑯𐑴𐑩𐑤 ·𐑮𐑲𐑤𐑦

on a slow afternoon in the Beehive
I was working behind the bar
when this red-faced woman
came storming in

“I demand to see the manager!
I live next door
and one of your customers
has just been
outrageously rude to me!”

“Of course Madam
please follow me”
so off we went to the back

I knocked on Noel’s door
“What is it?”
he called from upstairs
so I told him
of the upset neighbour

bump bump bump
he came stumping down the stairs
“I’ll not be having
my neighbours insulted”
he says
as he opens the door

she shouts
and points right at him
as Noel does a quick 180
and disappears
scuttling back upstairs

𐑪𐑯 𐑩 𐑕𐑤𐑴 𐑨𐑓𐑑𐑼𐑯𐑵𐑯 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 ·𐑚𐑰𐑣𐑲𐑝
𐑲 𐑢𐑪𐑟 𐑢𐑻𐑒𐑦𐑙 𐑚𐑩𐑣𐑲𐑯𐑛 𐑞 𐑚𐑸
𐑢𐑧𐑯 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑮𐑧𐑛 𐑓𐑱𐑕𐑛 𐑢𐑫𐑥𐑩𐑯
𐑒𐑱𐑥 𐑕𐑑𐑹𐑥𐑦𐑙 𐑦𐑯

“𐑲 𐑛𐑩𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑛 𐑑 𐑕𐑰 𐑞 𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑨𐑡𐑼!
𐑲 𐑤𐑦𐑝 𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑 𐑛𐑹
𐑯 𐑢𐑪𐑯 𐑝 𐑘𐑹 𐑒𐑳𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑥𐑻𐑟
𐑣𐑨𐑟 𐑡𐑳𐑕𐑑 𐑚𐑰𐑯
𐑬𐑑𐑮𐑱𐑡𐑩𐑕𐑤𐑦 𐑮𐑵𐑛 𐑑 𐑥𐑰!”

“𐑪𐑓 𐑒𐑹𐑕 ·𐑥𐑨𐑛𐑩𐑥
𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑓𐑪𐑤𐑴 𐑥𐑰”
𐑕𐑴 𐑪𐑓 𐑢𐑰 𐑢𐑧𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑞 𐑚𐑨𐑒

𐑲 𐑯𐑪𐑒𐑛 𐑪𐑯 ·𐑯𐑴𐑩𐑤𐑟 𐑛𐑹
“𐑢𐑪𐑑 𐑦𐑟 𐑦𐑑?”
𐑣𐑰 𐑒𐑹𐑤𐑛 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥 𐑳𐑐𐑕𐑑𐑱𐑮𐑟
𐑕𐑴 𐑲 𐑑𐑴𐑤𐑛 𐑣𐑦𐑥
𐑪𐑓 𐑞 𐑳𐑐𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑯𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑮

𐑚𐑳𐑥𐑐 𐑚𐑳𐑥𐑐 𐑚𐑳𐑥𐑐
𐑣𐑰 𐑒𐑱𐑥 𐑕𐑑𐑳𐑥𐑐𐑦𐑙 𐑛𐑬𐑯 𐑔 𐑕𐑑𐑱𐑮𐑟
“𐑲𐑤 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑚 𐑣𐑨𐑝𐑦𐑙
𐑥𐑲 𐑯𐑱𐑚𐑻𐑟 𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑳𐑤𐑑𐑛”
𐑣𐑰 𐑕𐑱𐑟
𐑨𐑟 𐑣𐑰 𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯𐑟 𐑞 𐑛𐑹

“𐑞𐑨𐑑𐑕 𐑣𐑦𐑥!”
𐑖𐑰 𐑖𐑬𐑑𐑕
𐑯 𐑐𐑶𐑯𐑑𐑕 𐑮𐑲𐑑 𐑨𐑑 𐑣𐑦𐑥
𐑨𐑟 ·𐑯𐑴𐑩𐑤 𐑛𐑳𐑟 𐑩 𐑒𐑢𐑦𐑒 180
𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑩𐑐𐑽𐑟
𐑕𐑒𐑳𐑑𐑤𐑦𐑙 𐑚𐑨𐑒 𐑳𐑐𐑕𐑑𐑺𐑟

(Shavian script)


Noel Reilly
Noel Reilly
HC: 2021