stand alone pages
Mahabodhi Moonlight
- intro
- Ladakh
- Leh
- wild dogs
- night winds
- sorcerer
- guesthouse
- how could love?
- hall of mirrors
- overhead
- complaining
- earthquake
- dog at Tsopema
- long train
- Kushinagar
- the burning ghats
- Mahabodhi moonlight
- kaleidoscope
- Rajgir
- dog and bell
- cholera
- for Bankei
- never
- thistledown
- Kathmandu
- Boudhanath stupa
- Chomolungma
- night dive
- blue
- no poetry
- ladyboy
- time stops
- sleepers
- intro
- scrabble
- moron
- bang
- the strap
- dancing Shiva
- glassed
- The Inevitable Split
- groupies
- sword
- Joanne Whalley
- 2 Hot 4 July
- body-builders
- white hats
- finale
- 3 minutes
- Eisteddfod
- necrophilobats
- chocolate
- giraffes
- wind
- Dobra
- leather jacket
- red faces in the park
- Tel Aviv TV
- library
- snapdragon before
- snapdragon during
- snapdragon after
- the ferryman
- endarkenment
- Romanians
- arrested
- the golden fleece
- El Naranjo de Bulnes
- leg
- chess
- sapphire
- scattering
- Grist
- Bott
- levitation
- shine
- Gaumin Si
- Tiananmen Square
- lynch mob
- mist
- models
- finger ring
- Paul Daniels
- scroll
- airborne
- rain
Sunshine & Shadow
- intro
- ancestors
- you're leaving
- magic tricks
- spectre
- spy hole
- birthday bicycle
- behind the disco
- dad
- mam
- grandma
- ice
- bottom feeder
- love is a dance
- glimpse
- balance regained
- dragon
- jewels
- what is love?
- flowers
- dog & stick
- just listen
- Richie
- the four great kings
- Tim Tim Tim
- bat detector
- Carrollus Primus
- silly walks
- 10,000 Buddhas
- Gaia
- treasure
- owls
- all of us
- stopping the sun
- giggle dancing
- strategies
- la via dolorosa
- eyebrows
- plankton
- survival
- shadow
- cloud
- Silbury
- banana moon
- new moon
- posh clothes
- the big nowhere
- robin
- Madonna
- gliding
- renting
- carrying the cake
- gulf
- treason
- softness
- birdsong
- game
- who cares?
- book
- bastards
- kangaroo court
- flight
- Mrs Nguy
- sunbather
Finger Writing
Mahabodhi Moonlight
- prose
- blogs
sutta anthology
- intro
- core sutras
- Satipatthana
- Unalloyed Pleasure
- Simile of the Saw
- Simile of the Snake
- Noble Search
- Greater Q & A
- Shorter Q & A
- To Prince Abhaya
- Incontrovertible Teaching
- Advice to Rahula
- Speculative Views
- Four Fears
- Mahavacchagotta
- Sariputra's Enlightenment
- Most Beautiful Girl
- 4 Summaries
- Angulimala
- Dear Ones
- Praise & Blame
- Disputes
- Sunakkhata & Snake
- Anyone Anywhere
- The Whole Path
- The Full Moon Night
- Women Becoming Buddhas
- Mindfulness of Breathing
- Voidness
- Wonderful and Marvellous
- Bakkula
- Bhaddekarata
- Anathapindika
- Channa
- Shorter Advice to Rahula
- Sixfold Base
- Crossing the Flood
- The Stone Splinter
- Mallikaa
- Spiritual Friendship
- 4 Kinds of Persons
- Simile of the Mountains
- Delight
- Head Aflame
- Soma
- Brahma's request
- Brahma's wrong view
- Bharadvaja The Abusive
- The Tangle
- The Affluent One
- Shake Off the Dust
- Mindfulness Not a Cure-All
- Dependent Co-arising
- Who Not a Valid Question
- Right View
- Kassapa's Questions
- Paccaya
- The Cosmologist
- The Mind as Self
- The Ancient City
- Water and Well
- Tears
- How to Teach
- Well Spoken
- Worry
- Conceit
- Characteristics of Non-Self
- Tissa
- Yamaka
- The Leash
- Sandcastles
- The Fire Sermon
- Snake Bite
- The Log
- Simile of the Tortoise
- Bad Back
- Hot Plate
- Two Arrows
- 108 Feelings
- Three Kinds of Suffering
- Kassapa Ordains
- Actors
- Magic
- Self?
- Eightfold Path
- Illness
- 5 Hindrances
- Skeleton
- Oneself & the Teachings
- Acrobats
- The Beauty Queen
- The Shrine
- Moggallāna
- Suicides
- The Emperor
- Do Unto Others
- Death Won't Be Bad
- Healing Anathapindika
- Advice to the Ill
- First Sutta
- A Few Leaves
- One Hundred Spears
- A Blind Turtle
- mantrasphere
- mantra
sutta anthology
- play
- galleries